Our aeration panel is simple and intuitive. Simply hook-up your air supply and your power supply. The aeration level can be set manually or put in automatic mode. It can be designed to accept a 4-20mA signal from the flowmeter on the slurry and adjust the aeration level automatically.
The Infini-MixTM S-LG is the ideal solution for aerating and coloring marshmallow in a continuous process. Unlike other systems, the coloring can be added directly into the aeration head. This allows you to change the coloring quickly without having to clean the entire process. You only need to clean the mixer.
This same process can be used for aerating virtually any fat mass including icings, peanut butter, chocolate and cream fillings.
Also unique to INFINI-MIX, is our ability to add color to an already aerated marshmallow (or fat mass) without breaking the form or structure. This is done with our N Series Mixer for delicate blending without losing the aeration.